Relaxation, adventure and fresh air! The Arcs course offers a 9 hole and an 18-hole course on over 70 hectares of gently sloping meadows, facing Mont Blanc with views of the Haute Tarentaise Valley. The academy is led by Gabriel Gliksohn.

Facility Amenities

  • 18-home course
  • 9-hole course
  • Putting green
  • Chipping green
  • Practice zone
  • Covered station

Leadbetter in France

The David Leadbetter Academy in France proposes numerous instruction packages that are adapted to every level of play.

Whether you’re just a beginner, aiming to train at a high level or you simply wish to improve your game, David Leadbetter experts will enable you to reach your goal, regardless of your index and level. From an hour of individual instruction to 5-day clinics, David Ledbetter instruction adapts to the needs of each player.

The corps of instructors at our academies are certified and have been trained in the David Leadbetter methodology. Each of our Pro instructors regularly go through Playing technique and Instructor Training to update their skills, on site, at the David Leadbetter Academy Headquarters in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Leadbetter en France c’est:

  • 8 academies on renowned golf courses, under the direction of Head Pro Golf Instructors, Nicolas ARMAND and Alain ALBERTI who together, make up 25 years of experience as instructors, at a high level. The two instructors have coached circuit pro golfers such as Raphael Jacquelin, Alexander Levy, Clement Berardo and Jerome Lando-Casanova.
  • Physical and mental preparation with coaches specialized in the accompaniment of Pro golfers
  • A variety of courses proposed, from individual workshops to 5-day clinics
  • Instruction in the short game with One Putt-Short Game and One Putt – Putting
  • Junior camps and summer clinics with accompaniment for young players under 18 years of age
  • Junior golf school, for beginner child golfers ages 4 to 18, for recreation, Wednesday afternoons or Saturday mornings
  • In conjunction with the AIMG School’s sports curriculum for 8th graders to 2-year, golf instruction for high level apprenticeship that can be combined or not, to a curriculum of undergraduate studies, enabling access to various career paths in golf.

Student Resources

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Course Gallery

Master Instructors at this Academy

Senior Instructors at this Academy