
News (Page 2)

a cover image design for our blog "is golf good exercise?"

Is Golf Good Exercise? Exploring the Benefits of Golf

Golf, often celebrated as a serene pastime, holds a secret – it’s an excellent exercise for your body and mind. In this blog post, we’ll…

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we talk about the different types of golf course grass

Different Types Of Golf Grass And How They Affect Your Game

In the world of golf, the playing surface is more than just a canvas – it’s a dynamic element that can significantly influence your game.…

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Golf Nutrition: The best food for golf

Golf Nutrition: What To Eat On & Off The Course

When it comes to improving your golf game, many factors come into play – and nutrition is a key player on and off the golf course. In this guide, we’ll explore the best food for golf, the importance of golf nutrition, and what nutrition for golfers entails. Let’s get into it.

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blade vs. mallet putters

Blade vs. Mallet Putter: Which Putter Type Should You Use?

Blade vs. Mallet Putters. Which Is Better? Which One Should You Use? Why? We Dive Into The World Of Blade vs. Mallet Putters And Break It Down.

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8 Proven Tips to Increase Your Driving Distance in Golf

If you’ve been wondering how to increase your driver distance and get more distance in golf, you’re in the right place. In this blog, we’ll explore eight proven tips to help you achieve those coveted extra yards on the course.

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how to read a green

How To Read A Green In Less Than 10 Steps

Learning how to read a green the right way will have you shooting lower scores out on the course in no time. Start reading greens correctly and playing better!

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how to read a green

How to Choose the Right Golf Clubs: A Comprehensive Guide

If You’ve Ever Found Yourself Wondering “How To Choose Golf Clubs”, Then This Is The Guide For You. Read This Before Buying Golf Clubs!

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How To Hit Wedges Like A Pro

When it comes to playing better golf and shooting lower scores, one crucial skill every golfer should have in their arsenal is hitting wedges accurately. Knowing how to hit wedges can make or break your round. Today we will explore the key techniques and strategies to help you improve your wedge game. So, whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced golfer aiming to sharpen your skills, this blog will help you learn how to hit wedges like a pro in no time.

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Golf fitness trainer working with a golfer to increase his ability.

Drive Your Golf Game Forward with Golf Fitness

If you’re looking to enhance your golf game and gain a competitive edge, then it’s time to explore the world of golf fitness training.

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Understanding Golf Handicaps: What is a Golf Handicap, How Does Handicap Work in Golf, and How to Get One

In this blog post, we’ll break down the concept of golf handicaps, explaining what they are, how they work in golf, and how you can obtain one. So, let’s dive into the world of golf handicaps!

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Mastering Basic Golf Etiquette: 10 Essential Rules for Beginners

Golf is a game of skill, strategy, and sportsmanship. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, adhering to proper golf etiquette is essential for an enjoyable and respectful experience on the course. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 fundamental golf course etiquette rules, providing beginners with a solid foundation to build upon. Let’s dive into the world of golf etiquette!

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“What Golf Ball Should I Use?” Choosing the Perfect Golf Ball.

“What Golf Ball Should I Use?” It’s essential to evaluate your golf game honestly. Your skill level, swing speed, and specific needs on the course will heavily influence the type of golf ball that suits you best.

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